Until quite recently, I struggled to understand when parents declared a strong loathing of going to the park. Before I became a Mama, park days were one of those things I longed for. Playing with my children for hours and hours in the sunshine and fresh air. And I must say, it's always pretty much lived up to those idyllic expectations. But then Felix found his feet and at the same time developed an attitude and a propensity to run... and run fast. So now, a trip to the park is fraught with danger and stress and absolutely NO time to rest... at all.
Yesterday, was one of those days. We park hopped, due to the high level of emotion at the first one we visited. Felix cried and screeched for the full half hour we were there. And being the determined nut that I am, I persevered by venturing to another park nearby. I figured it couldn't get worse. I was right. Park visit take two was a good idea. Happy boys, happy Mama. Park life at it's best.