Monday, January 17, 2011

Party Season

Late December/early January is a significantly hectic period for us on the party calendar... kid's parties that is. Let's face it, they are the little socialites afterall. They are the ones who receive multiple invites (sometimes for the same day and just last weekend same day AND time!) But we (long suffering parents) are the ones who graciously put in the hard yards. 

The ferrying back and forth to each venue. The gift purchasing (never an easy task to find something cool, yet original). The hyped up, over tired, grubby little child-of-lucifer at the end of every party. Our reward? We get to take them home! Of course.

I am, however, so very fortunate to be a part of a network of fabulous Mum's, otherwise known as my mother's group. It's amazing, how almost three years ago, eighteen complete strangers, with the only thing in common being a six week old newborn babe (and being first time Mama's) were randomly thrown together by the nurses at the local baby health care clinic. And wow, do I feel privileged that we have this kind of support available to new mama's. Although at first it felt as though they had proceeded to 'throw us in the deep end and let us sink or swim'. Three years on, we have experienced some of the most gratifying, enduring, hysterical and occasionally psychotic moments possible, as a mother. Which is why I will add, it is so much more than a mother's group nowadays. More an outlet. A mutual admiration society. Friendship. 

Of course, we are not the voluminous group we were in the beginning. Over time, we've seen some dwindle into obscurity; the odd one decide the group wasn't for them; a few lost to circumstance, ie. have relocated to other areas or states (happy to say we do still keep in touch across the miles). Even so, there are still eight from our original group who catch up regularly. Hence the considerable amount of '3 year old' party hopping we have managed over the last 2-3 weeks. 

So, Angus had a tremendous time over the weekend, attending two fun filled parties for his little friends, Finn and Maya. There was plenty of cake. Lots of giggles. A great deal of sweat (yes, 98% humidity is always a treat at a kids party). A pleasant goss session (ahem, for the mama's). AND most of all, loads of magical memories shared.


  1. So cool that you have a longstanding 'group'. Thanks for commenting at the Fibro today - and welcome to blogging! Look forward to reading more.

  2. Thank you Allison, we do feel very fortunate to have each other! I so appreciate your support and warm welcome :o)


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