Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Under The Weather

It seems both my boys are not sparking on all plugs at the moment (my Mama has long used this expression for when my brothers or I are not well). It started off with a few sniffles and a bit of congestion in Angus. Overnight it seems to have hopped on over to baby Felix. Poor little mite woke this morning with a very wet nose. So sad to see him this way. He still manages a smile, a chuckle, even a cuddle. It is hard to tell that he's unwell at all. Except he's nowhere near as ravenous as he usually is about his vegies and he's a wee bit cranky. Oh and of course, nose running like a tap! I feel so fortunate that this is only the second time Felix has been unwell, ever. In saying that, I still don't like it and can't wait until both my little boys are back to their buoyant, cheeky best.

Given poor health and a gloomily overcast morning, I made an executive decision early, that it would be a stay at home day. Always fraught with disaster are the stay at home days. During wet weather spells, I simply dread being stuck inside all day. Not that we find it hard to keep ourselves occupied, but the mindset of being cooped up, without fresh air pumping through our lungs. Makes me feel quite nauseous thinking about it. However, considering two young sickies and a mama with a somewhat scratchy throat herself, it seemed the right decision for today. 

To my surprise, it actually wasn't as bad as I'd mentally prepared for. We ploughed through lots of housework, something Angus is only too happy to partake in. We played and chatted. We did lock horns a couple of times, but this is to be expected on stay at home days. We made ourselves a slapped together lunch of cheese, olives, jatz, raisin toast and fresh fruit. Unconventional, yet fulfilling. Most importantly, Felix napped precisely when he needed to, often a benefit of being at home.

Hopefully my boys can kick this summer nasty really quickly (and maybe not share it quite as much with Scott and I in the meantime) so that we can all get back to feeling on top of the world. Much like Angus in these pictures taken last weekend during the scorching hot heat wave we all endured. Cavorting around, cooling off, under the hose at Nana & Pop's place. Nice to witness my son enjoying the simple pleasures I also indulged in, growing up in this glorious quarter acre piece of paradise.


  1. Nothing more fun than a hose in the backyard on a hot day.

    Hope you're all firing on all cylinders soon.

  2. Sounds like a wise executive decision indeed! I hope everyone is right as rain very soon xx


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